Other Resources For You!

Get started with these helpful links.

5 Minute Coding Lesson

Seriously!  It only takes a few minutes to look and see what coding is. Try this free tutorial and give it a try. Runs right in your web browser. Easy setup and fun to try!

Game Design Planner

This guides you through the key areas all great games have.Use this document to help guide your thoughts in creating a great video game.

Video Game & Animation Storyboard

A simple but effective tool to help frame up the sequence of events in your animation, video game, or software program.

Sphero BB8 Programming Tutorial

Learn how to use the BB8 app to interact with it and write programming code to control it. Includes video demonstration.

HTML 101 Exercise

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is what is behind every webpage on the internet. Learn how to hand code an HTML page using a simple text editor.

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