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The Story Behind was created by me, Fred Aebli (or Mr. Fred as my student’s call me), to be part of a solution. Having witnessed a growing demand for information technology professionals for over a decade, in particular, software developers, and a decline in the number of young people considering this to be a career possibility, I thought something more can be done.

I wanted to remove the mystery of exploring and learning how to code (aka program a computer) so we can see more people become better thinkers and create skills for jobs requiring solutions with software.

That is when I decided to create

If there is a way I can help you on your coding journey….. I WILL. Mr Fred
Mr. Fred (Fred Aebli)
Creator of

A message from Mr. Fred...

Learn to code today

How my teaching career began.....

One evening over 23 years ago, I stopped in to see my college computer science professor.  I was doing software development and my project was downsizing.  He offered me a chance to teach an evening class.  I thought it might be good to just “catch my breathe” and get some new direction for project work.  That evening course turned into a two decade journey to teach and inspire the next generation of technologists and problem solvers.

Along the way I met many great students and teachers. 

I welcomed the process of learning how to teach and it brought me several great teaching awards sponsored by my students and peers. 

It has been a humbling AND rewarding experience.  🙂 

Simply put….I want to extend my help further with

Frequently Asked Questions

Most frequent questions and answers

What is coding?

It is creating the instructions, using a computer language or software tool, that tell a computing device what to do.

What is

It is a place where I can help you learn and give advice on a pathway for learning how to code and use technology.

Why was created?

It really was created to help anyone begin to learn how to code.  But it is also designed to spark interest and inspire young people to explore learning to code and technology.

Who is Mr. Fred ?

Mr. Fred is the name my students have given me over the years probably because my last name is hard to pronounce.  I have been a teacher in the college classroom for over 20 years and a teacher of kids coding camps.  But I am also a software development consultant, and entrepreneur. 

Do I need to know anything before starting to code?

Learning to code is like anything else where you start with the basics and keep going from there.  The biggest thing I always tell my students is be patient.

Do you have free courses?

Yes.  I have built a number of free resources for anyone to learn how to code and also if you have to teach others.  Visit the COURSES or TEACHERS RESOURCES.

What people say?

As teachers we never expect anything from our students except to give their best effort. However, from time to time we do hear from our students and those we are helping. I am always humbled by their kind words….
” For all my moms and dads out there who’d like to introduce their littles to coding – Mr. Fred is the best of the best (and a damned awesome person to boot)!! “

Lisa D. G.

Mom, Owner/Creator 'The Castle Runner'

” Fred’s passion for teaching and challenging students beyond levels they are even afraid to reach is apparent in his daily dedication to his overarching goal of perfecting today’s skills of tomorrow’s innovators. “

Nicole S.

former student

” Mr. Fred is shaping the minds of the future, and creating the excitement needed to make a career fun.  “


Mark S.

former student

Let me help you get started learning to code.

What can I do for you?

Let me use my experience in the classroom help you.

I’m a public speaker that can talk to your class, teachers, or parent’s organization

I have appeared at elementary, middle school, and high schools where I have talked about cyber safety/cyber bullying to teachers where I explain how you can teach coding and technology in your classroom.

I’ve worked with kids one-on-one and parents in a group setting

Coding is not hard but as a parent it is hard to understand where to start.  It is also hard to understand what college is today.  I would welcome the chance to give you advice in helping your child succeed in the college classroom.

I spent my entire life around technology…

As a kid raised in the 1970’s and 80’s, I have seen the dawn of personal computing and was amazed by coin operated video games, Star Wars, and space exploration. Fortunately, I had a supportive person in my life, my Mom, who kept me on track to have a goal.

I would not have ever begun my career in teaching and pursuing my passion further if it weren’t for my family. My wife, Jen, and my three children, Jordan, Jillian, and Jake are what drive me to make a better version of myself and ultimately help others also make better versions of themselves. No one ever said it would be easy but I also believe it can be fun.

Need advice?

I know exactly what it is like to be asked to teach something and not be sure how you will do it.  If you are a teacher or homeschooler who wants to inject coding and technology into your curriculum, I can help.

Give your kids an edge in today's Digital World